The “Church Guitar” completed! Pictures

Posted By on July 26, 2013

I’ve finally made time to post these pictures of the guitar I made for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick.  Troy Bennett of the Bangor Daily News took these pictures in my shop the day I delivered the guitar to its new (and still happy now, months later) owners.

This guitar was made of wood salvaged from pews that were rescued from the church building that burned down.  The back, sides and neck are ash (think baseball bats and Telecasters), and the soundboard is pine from the seat of the pew.

This guitar has a strong, mid-rangey sound, with nice note separation and chime.

UU guitar full frontal

UU guitar full frontal

UU guitar back

UU guitar back

UU guitar iso closeup

UU guitar iso closeup

UU guitar headstock

UU guitar headstock

UU guitar sound port detail

UU guitar sound port detail

UU guitar forearm comfort cut detail

UU guitar forearm comfort cut detail

UU guitar nail inclusion back detail

UU guitar nail inclusion back detail

About the author

Back off, man. I'm a luthier.


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