Headcap inlay
carter | July 11, 2014
Just finished inlaying this headstock. The headcap is spalted curly maple that came from a tree in our backyard. (I’ve got a stack of them!) I hope the guy buying this guitar likes it!
carter | July 11, 2014
Just finished inlaying this headstock. The headcap is spalted curly maple that came from a tree in our backyard. (I’ve got a stack of them!) I hope the guy buying this guitar likes it!
carter | December 4, 2013
Every guitarist, young or old, beginner or seasoned pro, wants the same thing: a custom guitar made just for them. This Christmas, let the guitarist in your life find a card under the tree telling them that their dream is coming true — a custom guitar by Subterranean Music Works will be theirs. They can […]